
 | Praha
The lecture for 26 soldiers of the German armed forces was focused on the security policy of the Czech Republic...
 | New York
In cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, the Office of the President...
 | Ostrava
Within NATO, the Czech Republic has long belonged to the group of member states that spend the least funds from...
 | Ostrava
For schools in the vicinity of the airport complex in Mošnov, the venue of the NATO Days in Ostrava, we...
 | Ostrava
What is does the term cyber security hide? Who and why threatens the security of information on the Internet? But...
 | Ostrava
Pátá letošní studijní exkurze pro studenty středních škol proběhla na mošnovském Letišti Leoše Janáčka, kde si mohlo sto studentů ze...
 | Praha
Jagello 2000 – The NATO Information Center prepared an international seminar on the experience of the acquisition and operation of...
 | Praha, NBNS
The tenth annual national conference Our Security Cannot Be Taken for Granted took place on the occasion of the celebration...
The students of Moravské Budějovice Gymnasium and Secondary School could visit the 22nd Helicopter Air Force Base in Náměšť nad...
 | Hranice
The students of the Secondary Technical School Přerov took part in an excursion to the barracks of the 7th Mechanized...
 | Brno, IDET
This year, the 17th International Defence and Security Technologies Fair (IDET) took place in the premises of the Brno exhibition centre....
 | Athény, DEFEA
The defence technology fair DEFEA was held in Athens, Greece, on May 9-11, at which 15 Czech companies presented themselves...