Get to know NATO (IX): excursion in Prostějov

June 10th 2024 | Prostějov

High level of readiness, paratroopers, situation monitoring and intelligence tasks of various focus. But that all actually means? Students of Secondary Technical School and Business Academy in Uherský Brod, who visited the 102nd Reconnaissance Battalion in Prostějov, took part in the last excursion before the holidays as part of the “Our Security Cannot Be Taken for Granted” project for schools. They saw the vehicles, learned about the history of the unit and paratroopers, found out what it’s like to work with parachute equipment and some even tried it on. And to make it even more interesting, they heard it directly from members of the unit who were deployed in Afghanistan.

The project “Our Security Cannot Be Taken for Granted” for schools takes place with the support of the PPF Foundation.