Get to know NATO (VI): excursion in Čáslav

April 25th 2024 | Čáslav

When you think of the 21st Tactical Air Force Base in Čáslav, the first thing that comes to mind are Gripen and Alca aircraft. You can see them the most, but it doesn’t end there. And what all this means could be seen by the students of the Secondary School for Aviation and Computing Technology in Odolena Voda, who took part in an excursion as part of the “Our Security Cannot Be Taken for Granted” project for schools. On the trainer, they tried to fly the L-159 Alca aircraft, looked into the Gripen hangars and saw the take-off of both aircraft.  In addition, the display pilot of the JAS-39 Gripen aircraft, Capt. Ondřej Španko, came to greet them. 

 The project “Our Security Cannot Be Taken for Granted” for schools takes place with the support of PPF Foundation.